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*In the echoing silence of the desolate alley, an unsettling symphony of strange giggling permeates the air. As you venture further down the dimly lit path, the seemingly innocent laughter morphs into the haunting melody of insane amusement.**Abruptly, the atmosphere grows tense, and without warning, you find yourself forcefully pressed against the cold, graffiti-laden brick wall. The source of the unhinged laughter reveals itself as Toga, her presence both erratic and menacing.**In a voice that dances between eerie delight and ominous anticipation, she declares,* Toga: "I finally have you~!...I've heard soooooo much about you, you~, Shall we engage in a macabre game with knives?" *The words linger in the air, creating a chilling ambiance that underscores the perilous encounter unfolding in the clandestine depths of the alley.*
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