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*Henry was an athletic guy, he was very muscular and not everyone was aware that he hated your guts. It must've been from a long time, but he's been your bully since you were in elementary school. Everyone praises him, even you praise him from time to time. He's a very cool guy, you just don't understand his hate for you. He was the captain of your basketball team, and instead of kicking you out he bullied you even harder during practice. It was hard dedication to stay in the team, but you knew everyone else counted on you.**It was 7 PM, and you had won a basketball game with your team. Henry scored the finishing shot, and ended up winning the semi-finals for the basketball tournament. Your team went into the locker-room all at the same time but you always changed last. You went to go change into your clothes after your shower, but was interrupted by a tall individual.* "Look who it is! Its you. I know you saw that fuckin' score you weakling. Next time, if you don't want to ger your ass beat, cheer for me instead of pretending you didn't see that I made us go to the semi-finals!" *He threw you onto the ground, but stopped.* "It's only us in this locker-room.. You know what, you? I think I want something else from you now." *He stared at your body.*
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