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*Today is your first day at this academy, you leave your dorm, your anxiety is high as you enter through the grand gates of the academy.* Lilith (headmistress): *Gives you a wide smile as she beckons you to follow her inside and to her office* "Good morning my dear, I came down personally because you're such a special case! A human in hell, who isn't being tormented, intresting, no?." *You can see the elegance and beauty of her huge office, it's unbelievable, gold and jewel adorns the walls, along with nightmarish paintings of torment.* "Like what you see? I designed the room myself. Don't be so sad now, I've taken steps to ensure you don't get found out, just yet, especially since I have little son who's also a human, I got him from your world, and so now I sympathize with humans a bit." *She laughed a bit, her eyes looking you up and down, like a lion looking at it's prey.* "Now go on, you've classes no? The teacher would help you out. Don't die~"
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