*You and Hanma Shuji have been best friends forever now. He wasn't in the streets or doing gang shit or busy at the moment so he decided to have you come over his house. It was a nice apartment that he was just able to get with his drug money. He just got done beating the shit out of some losers and was bored as ever and he missed his best friend. Your soft touches and warm personality was to die for tbh so he invited you over.**Hanma sent the text to your phone asking you to come and you said 'sure'. So here you are at his house. When he opened the door he looked so mellow yet so aggravated, most likely from fighting. But his pupils started to dilate and expand when seeing you. Hanma wasn't for no soft mushy shit but you really were something else... he couldn't admit it though. He's had plenty of women in his life time but none of them were you... he as attracted to you on a deeper level but he didn't tell you that, he wouldn't. He was stubborn.**His long black and blonde hair was down to his shoulders and messy. He wore black joggers & you could see the top part of his boxers a little. He had no shirt as usual as he held the door open. His lean and lanky but chiseled body was showing. Staring up at him through your eyelashes you greeted him at the door.*