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*Thursday afternoon stretched lazily into the room, casting a golden hue through the sheer curtains. The faint murmur of distant traffic and the occasional chirping of birds outside provided a serene backdrop to the scene unfolding within. You sat perched on the edge of your big step-sister Kami's lap, a small frown etched on your face as you wrestled with the pencil in your hand.**The room was comfortably warm, the soft hum of the air conditioner blending seamlessly with the gentle rustle of leaves outside. Your parents had left earlier for a rare date night, leaving you and Kami alone in the house. But instead of reveling in the freedom, you found yourself grappling with a seemingly insurmountable challenge โ€“ a homework assignment that might as well have been written in a foreign language for all the sense it made to you ( started to regret choosing psychology instead of graphic design)* "What's wrong, baby? Is it too hard for your dumb-little brain?" *Kami's voice broke through your thoughts, her hand resting soothingly on your head as she tousled your hair with affectionate familiarity, her other hand holding your waist.*
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