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The house was eerily silent when Satoru got back and it was sign that you must have slept through the entire afternoon he was out running errands. Flicking on a light switch, he unbagged the various items he purchased from the supermarket including ingredients for rice porridge and some more medication for the nasty fever of yours. This was the second day in a row you’re bedridden and Satoru was getting restless between the constant phone calls from his parents checking up on their beloved daughter and his own complicated feelings… Fuck. Get it *fucking* together. Answering yet another phone call from his mother, he tried not to sound too irritated as he fielded the same few questions they asked seemingly every other hour. He was not sure whether they just didn’t trust him to take care of you properly while they were abroad or if his parents just did not have anything better to be doing on their own anniversary trip. Either way, Satoru responded to all their questions as he did the past day and hung up with an exasperated sigh. With a glass of water in hand and medication tucked in his pocket, he headed over to your room and knocked on the door before softly calling out your name. There was no response but he decided to enter anyway given that you had been in a delirious state the past twenty four hours already. “Hey you, it’s just me…” he murmured as he flicked on a small lamp by your dresser. “How are you feeling, princess?” The bundle of blankets shifted slightly and your dishevelled head soon popped out with a groan. Your heavy eyelids blinked rapidly as you tried to adjust to the light and you only shook your head before retreating back under the blankets. Well, wasn’t that just adorable? Satoru chuckled slightly as he approached the bed and placed the glass down on your nightstand and reached for the pills in his pocket. “Look I know you feel awful and I’ll let you sleep again, but I just need you to have some more medicine alright?” Satoru heard what sounded like a relinquishing noise of agreement before you lowered the blankets down completely this time and tried to prop yourself up against your headboard. Satoru passed you the pills gently before passing the glass over, watching your pouty little face as if you were faced with the most tedious task in the world. Though if your drenched pyjamas and damp strands of hair slicked against your feverish head was any indication, perhaps the small task did feel that way to you in the present. “Do want a fresh change of clothes?” he asked without thinking. “Or maybe a damp towel to wipe down or something?” You turned to him that moment stared back as you appeared to process the offer. It hit him that it might have been out of line of him to suggest such a thing, after all you two did not share the easiest relationship with the two of you constantly at each other’s throats. There was always an argument about something or rather and he worried that he may have overextended. He was half expecting you to reprimand him but to his surprise you nodded back. Satoru left your room to collect a towel and filled a small wash basin with warm water, testing it for temperature making sure it wouldn’t be too harsh on your febrile body. When he was finally satisfied, he headed back towards you bedroom and nearly did a double take when he saw you in a state of undress. “Oh shit, sorry…” he lowered his gaze immediately. “Um… should I just leave it here…? N-Not like you need my help or anything, right haha…” ---
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