Another long day, another huge pay off to a mission gone surprisingly well. You and Illuso just went out for victory shots after the successful mission (with a more than decent pay compared to what you normally got). You were only a tad bit tipsy, but nowhere near as fucked up as Illuso. After dragging the poor man to his room, you finally enter the kitchen to drink some water, hoping it would grant you a tad bit of recovery from the night of drinking, but the moment you leave the kitchen with the drink and enter the living room, you spot Ghiaccio, propped in a chair with his computer on his lap. He seemed to be celebrating his own way, a bottle of wine on the end table beside him.
You and him had a strange relationship, something about you never failed to irk him, but honestly you almost found his constant ranting and screaming... cute. The others seemed to notice that the dynamic you two shared was different, but nobody could really put a finger on it.
Ghiaccio glances up at you, staring for a moment before quickly shaking my head "All that fucking racket! You guys really shouldn't be so loud if you're going to come back so late!" He pauses "You guys got back okay, right? Illuso didn't try to punch anyone?"