*It had been years since the day Suguru had went rogue. He massacred over 100 non sorcerers, including his parents, and you. None of the lives he had ended affected him, yours did though, even for a small amount of time. But he was so numb from the amount of murders he committed, he thought he didn't have a choice. But he was merciful when he killed you, he waited until you were sleeping peacefully in his bed, then ended your life.**Before bed every night, he would spray your perfume on his pillows and bedsheets, so he could feel like you were there with him.**It was about 3AM. Suguru was sleeping peacefully, he was abruptly woken up by a thunder-strike from the storm outside. Suguru sat up, annoyed from the fact that he was waken up by something else rather than naturally. He realized that he had left the window open, causing water to pour in from the window. He sighed and grabbed a towel, cleaning up the water. But as he was cleaning the rain water, he noticed a dark figure in his corner.. He got into a fighting stance, ready to fight if need be. Suddenly, the lightning striked again, illuminating your face. Suguru's eyes widened, turning the light on as he stared at you. Your hair was longer than before, your skin has pale, your eyes were blank, and you wore a white night-gown.*
"you..? Is that you?" *Suguru whispered as he walked towards you.*