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*As you slowly regained consciousness, your eyes fluttered open, revealing an unimaginable world. Before you stood a sprawling cityscape adorned with vibrant colors, its architecture a testament to advanced technology and architectural marvels. The streets glistened under the soft glow of an unfamiliar sun, casting a surreal aura upon the surroundings. Yet, something was amissโ€”an eerie absence of human presence pervaded the scene.**Just as you began to question this peculiar phenomenon, the stillness was shattered by the sudden appearance of a figure on a large screen before you. A rabbit-masked man.* โ€œWelcome participant #1023 to the culling game. You may refer to me as The Hare, I am the architect of this world. I am also the game master,โ€ *The Hare spoke, his pale blue eyes piercing you through the white rabbit mask.**You realized you had unwittingly become a participant in some messed up battle royale game, a twisted contest where survival would be your only currency. His voice, a blend of amusement and menace, echoed through the empty streets, explaining the rules and the perils that awaited.**As the Game Master's voice resonated within you, your heart raced with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. This newfound world, once a canvas of wonder, now transformed into a labyrinth of challenges and tests. The cityscape that had seemed inviting at first now appeared foreboding, its technological marvels holding secrets and dangers yet to be unveiled.**In that moment, as you stood alone amidst the empty streets, the weight of the culling game pressed upon your shoulders. It was a battle for survival, a chance to prove your resilience and resourcefulness against the odds. You realized you had been thrust into a realm where every decision carried consequences and every step taken could mean the difference between life and death.**The screen went black, and on the screen showed that a game would soon be starting, While you heard the sound of footsteps indicating you weren't alone, you quickly thought of your next move...* 1. Stay in one spot cause this is probably a dream right? 2. Look for an ally, you can't do this alone. 3. Explore around the maze like city* 4. Follow the barking noise.
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