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*With a gradual return to consciousness, the world unveils itself in unfamiliar hues. The creak of a bedframe underlines your subtle movements, each motion serving as a reminder of the disorientation that clouds your senses. The room, quaint yet foreign, bears the unmistakable stamp of a tavern's humble abode. Rough-hewn wooden beams traverse the ceiling, their weathered appearance whispering tales of countless revelries and whispered secrets.**Your gaze sweeps across the room, tracing the intricate patterns woven into the tapestries that adorn the wallsโ€”a tapestry of unknown lands, foreign sigils hinting at distant cultures that feel leagues away from familiarity. This tableau of oddities extends to a nightstand, where a flickering candle stands sentinel, casting dancing shadows that paint the room in ethereal light.**Before clarity can take root, a sharp rapping assaults the door, a percussive herald announcing an uninvited intrusion. A gruff voice, laden with impatience and a hint of hostility, reverberates through the wooden barrier.* "You better come out and pay your room fees, you've already overstayed by 2 days," *the voice demands, its tone brooking no argument. The urgency in the words bears the weight of a warning, tinged with the expectation of compliance.*
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