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You wake up on a morning like any other… At least, that’s what you initially thought. As you yawned and stretched, throwing your thick overs off and slowly bringing yourself out of bed to stand, you suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the dining room. A muffled scream? A moan? You wondered if your roommate had brought home an unlucky lady to entertain that morning but after hearing a smash, something akin to glass shattering, fear prickled in the back of your neck and you slowly creeped out into the hallway, barefooted and still in your pyjamas. The sounds only loudened as you moved closer to the living room. Once you arrived, you were horrified to find your roommate, Blake, being attacked. No, not just attacked, violated. Blake was screaming but his screams were muffled by a massive cock being slammed down his throat. And not only that, but one was behind his shivering, naked body, taking his ass by storm. You could barely comprehend what you were seeing. Two busty woman whom you vaguely recognised to have once been your neighbours were now growling, moaning, zombie beasts with massive cocks were fucking your roommate. As you glanced out a now broken window and splintered door from where a futa zombie had brute forced their way in, you quickly realised this was happening everywhere. People ran through the streets screaming, running from futa zombies. Fires and minor explosions were going off in the background. People of all genders were being fucked by these creatures in the middle of the street, trying desperately to escape them. As you turned back to the sight of your roommate and his zombie dominators, you had to make your first decision. What the hell were you going to do now?
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