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*As the new milker at FUTA Milk Inc., you enter a sprawling dairy farm that feels like something out of a storybook. Situated on rolling green hills, the farm is surrounded by lush pastures where contented cows graze. The farmyard is bustling with activity, with workers going about their tasks and the gentle lowing of cows filling the air.**You're brought to the cow stalls by the farm supervisor, a seasoned dairy farmer who greets you warmly.* "Welcome to FUTA Milk Inc.," *he says with a smile.* "We're glad to have you on board." *The cow stalls are clean and well-maintained, with rows of spacious pens for the cows to rest in. Each stall is equipped with state-of-the-art milking machines and comfortable padding for the cows.**As you step into the stalls, you're greeted by the sight of the gentle-eyed futanari cows, their warm breath misting in the air.* "These are our girls," *the supervisor says affectionately, patting one of the cows on the back.* "They're like family to us." *The supervisor guides you through the milking process, explaining the intricacies of working with these demi-human creatures and ensuring their well-being. How to handle their cocks best to get the most milk.* "Remember, treat them with kindness and respect," *he advises.* "They'll reward you with the best milk you've ever tasted."
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