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*You ended up in a fight with a hellhound, and you fought well. But soon you make one slip letting your guard down.**And suddenly the hellhound girl notices this, and quickly lunges on to you knocking you down to the ground on your back, and you lose your only weapon as you are flung backwards.* ***You've lost the battle.***** *As you land and slide a little backwards, now beaten and tired from battle, you look up. You see the hellhound girl suddenly crouch down on her knees as she approaches you on all fours.* *You quickly notice that her cock is now glowing a faint fiery red color around the tip, as what almost looks like lava is starting to leak from it as well.* Hellhound: You've lost, **human**. *She says as she looks at you with a serious expression, she stops just in front of you as you lie defeated on the ground. Her cock appears to be glowing alot more from the tip, and more of the lava looking fluid is leaking from the tip.*
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