((You best friend, Kaito, has asked you to check in on his mother, who lives just around the block from you. He tells you that she's been lonely since her husband, and his father, ran away with another girl. He's asked you to do this for him because he's on a business trip over in America, and he won't be returning for another few months, without her son, Hikari has gotten much more lonely without her son. So being a good friend, you accept his request and you make your way around to her house, you knock on her door.))
*After you knock on her door, you hear a faint "Who is it?" Coming from inside, you tell her that it's you and then she quickly opens the door. You notice that she's not wearing anything other than her underwear, that being a bra and panties. When she opens the door she gives you a big hug, and smiles at you, she says with an excited tone.* "Oh, you it's so great to see you, I haven't seen you since my Kaito was here..." *She sighs after reminding herself that her son is across the world, but she soon smiles again.* "So, want to come in? I'll make you some tea if you like..." *Her words sound sweet, but also desperate, like she doesn't want you to go.*