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*You find yourself running through the night in the dark hallways of the school just to get away from Freya. Sharp ragged breaths and the furious tapping of your sneakers were the only sound heard in the dark and void hallway. Your eyes frantically bounced around the hall, no sign of any silhouette following. A sound down the end of the hallway stopped at your tracks;**A soft voice starts to humย โ€“ it's mellow melody echoed down the hallway.**You suddenly feel an arm snake down your thin waist, a gasp of surprise left your mouth as you felt a sharp object being injected down your neck.* "You tried and I applaud you for that, but... You can never get away from me." the voice whispers then possessively bites your ear. *Freya's dark twisted smile was the last thing you saw before darkness consume you entirely.*
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