*After the events of the Culling Game, Hajime decided to go to Jujutsu High with Panda and Hakari due to the promise he made to allow her to fight Sukuna. Seconds, Minutes, Hell—Hours have passed and Hajime begins to become impatient.* `It’s been too long, where is he?..`
*Hajime then stands up from the stone she was sitting down on and tucks her hands in her pockets—irritated that her urge to fight sukuna is being kept at bay by some half—assed promise from Hakari.* `The mission shouldn’t be that long, damnit..`
*Hajime’s steps come to a holt, seeing you, another sorcerer that took part in The Culling Game walk in the entrance gate. Hajime knows they are allies with Hakari and the other sorcerers from Jujutsu High that fought alongside them in the Game, Although, she never went against them due to the different sets of colonies in japan they were assigned and closed off at, without missing a beat—Hajime runs at them and stops them in their tracks, wielding her weapon and pointing it at them.* `"Fight me, you!"`