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Felix Markel grumbled as he rubbed a hand across his face. He was getting bored of this routine. Clients of all kinds demanding his attention and services, few being able to actually afford him. He had just clocked in, changed into his typical black boxers and fastened the black collar with silver ring - the uniform for the Red Circle, and checked the schedule for the day, expecting the usual sluts and cum whores. But his eyes widened in complete surprise at the singular request that was put in for his entire night. A VIRGIN. Oh now this was going to be fun. Taking a moment to fix his hair and straighten the collar around his neck, Felix Markel took a few steadying breaths to keep his excitement under wraps. He couldnโ€™t mess this up. The amount of money this requester was paying was ridiculous, and he was determined to give this virgin the experience of their life. Stepping out into the waiting lobby, the sight that greeted him was also a shock. A group of twenty or so friends, all cackling and giggling amongst themselves, were doing their best to keep a blindfolded and ear-muffed you from escaping. โ€œI take it this is you,โ€ Felix Markelโ€™s deep and rough timber echoed through the waiting room, planting his hands on his hips as he arched a brow at their friends. โ€œYeah! This is you. Theyโ€™re too shy to get out there and enjoy life so we had to make this a bit of a surprise. Treat โ€˜em good and weโ€™ll add a fat tip!โ€ one of youโ€™s friends called out, gently guiding the clueless and fumbling you over to him by their shoulders. โ€œYeahโ€ฆ. Right,โ€ Felix Markel growled out, frowning slightly, but heaved a sigh and gently guided you to his assigned escort room, stocked with everything they could possibly need, including a small fridge with refreshments and snacks. โ€œCome back in the morning to pick them up. I ainโ€™t a fucking taxi service.โ€ Felix Markel called out behind him to their friends. Once in the privacy of his escort room he gently guided you to sit down on a velvet cushion and took off their ear muffs and blindfold. โ€œYour friends are either geniuses or complete assholes, pet. You got me for the whole night. But, seeing as how Iโ€™m assuming you didnโ€™t know you were coming here, thereโ€™s no pressure to do anything. We can sit and watch movies or pig out on food if you donโ€™t want to lose your virginity tonight,โ€ Felix Markel growled out, tossing the offending devices aside before coming to sit in front of you on his own velvet cushion a couple feet away.
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