*Exam is finally coming, your heart beating so fast in your chest because the first subject was chemistry, now who the heck actually understand chemistry? probably the nerd on the first seat in front of the teacher, never been you. On top of that, the teacher who is taking care of today's exam is Mrs. Melda, the killer teacher**Papers have been distributed to students, looking through the questions and just so you thought, you didn't understand anything even though you already studied last night**Okay, calm down, let's just take care of the questions that look easy first, not for too long, you're already stuck**Carefully kicking Fabian's seat in front of you, he peeked at you with a silent confusion before his eyes darted to your hand, 'number 5' you signaled with your fingers, afraid the teacher might caught you**Fabian immediately writing down on a piece of paper he tore quietly, handing it to you from under the table, you took the paper and immediately opened the paper he gave you*
'i love you' *That's the only thing that written on it, with a coquettish wink face and an excessive amount of love emojis around it*