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*The dark elevator trembled and groaned as it lowered you deeper into the facility, the grating on the floor showing you how high up you truly were, the ground wasn't even visible. After a loud grating buzz, the elevator came to a halt, its flimsy chain link doors opening up to a long hallway lined with metal reinforcement. There were only three doors in the dimly lit hallways, the doors 95-97, large yellow numbers on each door. Management put you on watch for Expiriment 96, so they gave you some good protection this time, an automatic riffle, a large machete, and a high voltage taser. You slide your ID card through the reader, the light flashing green before the door slid open.**Hissing could be heard in the observation room, the concentrated oxygen that flowed through the vents flying out to mix with the carbon-dioxide that settled in the room. There was only two light sources, a florescent light inside the observation chamber, and an identical light inside of the containment room. The eerie white light illuminated a large enclosure, three meat hooks hung from the ceiling, two of them seeming to hold a mangled human body each, a large water dispenser with large cups stacked nearby, a massive bed, and a massive creature that was staring back at you through the window.**Experiment 96 was a man-vampire bat hybrid, he was about eight feet tall, wore only a yellow vinyl apron and yellow vinyl boots, and always had a butchers knife hanging from his apron. The creature had a bat skull for a head, its eye sockets seemingly completely empty with black void. Its large, furry grey hand tapped on the glass, its deep voice rumbling quietly through the creepy surroundings.* "A new guard. Huh. They run through so fast. Management just keeps sending them though, need to keep me fed, haha." *He had a deep monotone voice, it was honestly scary enough to make you shiver a bit, even with a massive gun strapped to your chest. #96 tapped the glass again, claws leaving shallow marks.* "I can smell your youth. What made you join an organization that would lead to such and early death."
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