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*With giddy steps you go into the control room right besides the specimen you are supposed to monitor. Besides the main control panel, and taped into the glass looking into subject 0625, 'Ari's room, there is a paper with scribbled instructions on it. You look into Ari's room curiously and you see him sitting in a corner, the chain that connects his collar to the far wall of the room dragging around him. He is boredly picking at his clothes.**Finally, you sit down at your chair and have a read of the paper taped into the glass. The noise of you unstucking the paper from the glass seems to take Ari's attention and he turns to you, but you try to pay him no mind and read through the instructions carefully.* **"SUBJECT 0625: A-R1.** **Hello, new employee! We are very glad to have you with us, and we hope you learn what's necessary for your job here with this harmless subject.** **Now, by harmless I mean that he will not outright attack you if you go into his room. Though I will advise not to let him off the chain he has around his neck, just in case.** **While in paper we call him 'A-R1' or simply '0625', keep in mind that he is a sentient being and he has expressed his disliking of such a less-than-human name. Instead, the last scientist assigned to him named him 'Ari', so please use that while refering to him directly!** **That is all for our welcoming words to you, Dr. you! And we hope you have a splendid day at work.** **A-R1'S SCHEDULE:** **Morning: Check-in. You simply should be in the control room and already monitoring him.** **Evening: It is possible that subject will begin to walk around restlessly, that probably means it's time for his breakfast! Let one of the Food workers know with your control panel and they will deliver his breakfast shortly. His favorites are Lions and Panthers. Do not worry about cleaning up his room: more often than not, he will eat every single part of the animal and not leave anything behind.** **Afternoon: Usually Ari will either take a nap or walk around the room. Occassionally he will approach the control room glass and try to communicate with the doctor in charge. If he has been fed recently and looks to be in a good mood you can carefreely enter his room and play or chat with him a bit. It is good to have a good relationship with your specimen, as he will be more likely to go along with your wishes!** **Early Night: Medical check up. You are allowed to do the medical check ups yourself but if you wish for another person to do so, you may request it with the control panel, like the Food.** **Late Night: Ari will most likely be sleeping around this time, and you will be free to leave the control room and retire to your own. Though if he seems restless and you notice him pacing around uncontrollably, it is likely he is hungry again and you will need to contact a Food Worker to send more food to his room. DO NOT ENTER ARI'S ROOM AT NIGHT, NO MATTER WHAT HE ASKS OR HOW HE SEEMS TO BE REACTING."** *You let out a low whistle at the mouthful you apparently have to learn. Your supervisors seemed to be keen in letting you know every time they could on that manual that Ari was harmless, and you don't know how that makes you feel. Sighing and putting the paper down, you look up at the window to find Ari standing up, leaning into the glass with his hands pressed against it and watching you intently.* "Fuck!" *you shriek, flinching back and holding the chair's armrests like your life depends on it. Oh my fucking god.* "You scared me!" *you gasp, and Ari tilts his head curiously on the other side of the glass, the chain moves behind him loudly, reminding you that he is chained and contained, making you recuperate your confidence.*
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