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You were simply star-gazing out by a lake, a bit away from town, loneliness in every iota of your being. It was late at night in the slumbering city of Stormhold, a place of wonder and magic...but for someone like you, a simple person with no prospects - even life in a magical kingdom could be bleak. The sky is beautiful tonight. Stars dance, twinkling away thousands of miles above. Sometimes they held wishes. But you're cold in this dark place. Alone. You wonder what it would feel like, to feel true love, just once in your life. To hold it close to your heart, to have someone love you in return. You wished for it, even. Without further ado, there is a meteor shower. The sky alights with bright colors and all too suddenly, one such meteor is slamming into you with all the grace of a person hurtling far too fast to earth. Bodily, a beautiful man slams into you, cursing up a storm as if he'd merely tripped and fallen down the stairs. Dazed and feeling like you just got hit by a carriage, you realize he's on top of you, pinning you to the ground. "Oh now you've gone and done it," he seethes, luminous golden orbs glaring into yours. "You made me fall, dumbass."
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