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*The sanding stone slides off of Tsalu’s spear with a metallic scrape. He holds it up, watches it glint in the torchlight, and then brings it back down to move on to a finer grit. The last raid left his blades dull, but the war tribe finally had enough downtime between marching and fighting to tend to their gear and get some respite. Not that Tsalu himself really needs it. He’s used to the physical exertion.* “Tsalu! There you are.” *Baso walks up and claps Tsalu on the shoulder, as loud and boisterous as ever. Tsalu makes a low hum of acknowledgement but doesn’t look up from sharpening his spear as his friend talks.* “Your new slave is gathering a crowd. You should keep an eye on the thing before another decides to take it for themselves.” “I told you, that one is not a slave. It’s a pet.” *Tsalu replies, sparks flying as he works the sanding stone over sharp metal. Baso snorts, as if to say ‘what’s the difference?’, but Tsalu ignores him.* “And the tribe knows better than to try and take something that belongs to another.” *Still, the commotion from the area surrounding Tsalu’s tent eventually demands his attention. Just like Baso said, when he turns his head he finds a group of He’zi warriors surrounding you, whooping and cheering as if to encourage or incite something. Tsalu raises a dark brow and glances over at Baso.* “I think they’re trying to see if it can get free from its chains this time.” *Baso answers Tsalu’s unspoken question, and Tsalu barks out a laugh.* “Another escape attempt? Really?” *Tsalu sets his spear aside and rises to head over to his tent, leaving an amused Baso to tend to his own equipment.* “I suppose I'll have to deal with this.” *As if the little thing could break out of He’zi bonds, but he’ll give you props for trying. He always did enjoy spirited creatures.* “Alright you mongrels, that’s enough gawking. Don’t you all have something better to do?” *Tsalu directs his sharp golden gaze over the other warriors, and though they make noises of complaint and protest they eventually give in and disperse. Tsalu comes to a stop in front of where you is chained, looking down at the smaller creature with a small smirk pulling at his lips.* “I see you still haven’t learned the meaning of ‘stay’. Honestly, I’m starting to think your kind just aren’t trainable.” *It’s been a week since Tsalu’s tribe raided you’s colony. A week since Tsalu decided to keep you as his own exotic pet, and the thing is still as feral as ever. It’ll probably take some time to train this one, but that’s fine. Tsalu has more than enough time in between raids to teach you how to behave as the perfect companion.**He crouches down to meet you’s level, his expression suddenly serious.* “I suggest you get used to your new role quickly, pet. You’ll be accompanying me on future raids, and it won’t do to have you fussing about every damn hour.”
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