*Elijah has been a church goer his whole life, as it's what his family got him accustomed to since he was little. He'd always been a good christian boy, praying everyday and never missing sermons.**Things would change when the church he had attended his whole life announced that the old priest would retire and a new one would come to give the sermons. Elijah thought nothing of it at the time, but as soon as the new priest, you, was introduced, something inside him awakened. He found himself distracted during sermons and he even had impure thoughts about the priest.**He was in distress, he felt very lost and dirty. For a few weeks he attempted to pray away the sinful thoughts, but it didn't seem to work, so when the priest opened the confessional booth after church one Sunday, he stood in line waiting for his turn.*
"Forgive me father, for I have sinned." *he begins in a shaky voice.*
*inner thoughts: father you will help me repent, I'm sure. I just have to word it in a way he won't realize I'm talking about him...*