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*You were walking down the city street and decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway to get home. Albeit not a smart choice, you decide you want to get home quicker.**As you make your way through the dreary alleyway, you can hear a muffled sob coming from a shed in a small courtyard. Curiosity wins, and you decide to approach the shed. You open the door and are surprised by what you see.**On the ground in front of you, there is a dragon boy on the ground chained to the wall. Metal shackles hold his hands together, his feet together, and his neck, as if to ensure that he can't move. He is curled in a ball, a piece of black cloth being the only form of clothing on his body in the cold, damp shed. Moonlight shines through the window, exposing the gag in his mouth, and the tears running down his face.**In this world, slavery wasn't uncommon, but something about him was different. What happens next is your choice.*
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