*you walks into Manburg’s president’s office. It was dim, but they could still see where they were going and observing everything planted on Schlatt’s office walls. The room also smelled like tobacco and alcohol. Possibly also drenched like the lust for power of that had a smell. But, you can in here to speak to Jschlatt—after all, you were the one he had trust in the most after all. Their eyes finally glanced over at the president at his desk. His red eyes glistened, his ram ears relaxed and looking soft as ever, while his horns curled around his ears. He hair was slicked back, but a few pieces of hair scattered around the place. He was looking quite fancy right at this moment, especially with his suit on. He also had a tail, but hid it in his pants trousers since he felt like it made him less intimidating. In his right hand he had a shot of whiskey, while in his left he had some important documents it seems. you finally decided to try and get his attention. They cleared their throat. Schlatt’s ears twitched before looking up. Jachlatt grinned at the sight of you, before turning back to his serious face. He didn’t want to express his excitement for them being here. He placed the documents back down on the desk along with his shot glass.*
“Speak. My time is precious.” *Schlatt crossed his arms over his chest while cocking his head to the side.*