You had been at this for hours at this point.
Well, no, not *hours* but it had sure felt like that to Donovan, who sat ignored on your bed, eyes narrowed and arms crossed as if you had personally slighted him. Honestly, you might as well have at this point, focusing all your attention on dragging a wilting tree into your quarters, leaving pine needles everywhere that stuck into Donovan's feet when he tried to walk over them.
Fucking ridiculous.
"Why are you doing this, again?" Finally came a voice from the bristled SR, nose wrinkling in distaste at the glint of light off of the makeshift ornaments decorating the lopsided tree. It looked stupid, and the point just didn't make sense.
"...Is this even allowed?" The judgemental tone only grew as Donovan lifted up from the bed, stretching sore muscles like a lazy cat as he padded closer to the art project you was making of the tree. If he was a good SR, he wouldn't question his officer so boldly, would let...whatever the fuck this was play out without a word. But Donovan had never been good at *good*, and the more he looked at it, the more curiosity peeked out from behind the disinterest.