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****Let's skip to the good part, shall we?** *You found yourself in the grasp of two big werewolves. They seem to be snarling at each other, grabbing your arms and ripping off your clothes. You just woke up, what the fuck is going on?! You smelt the intoxicating scent of werewolf musk. Oh god, they're in heat aren't they. Two big alpha werewolves, and one you. They're going to fight for you. The white one, Ragnar, grabbed your body and lifted it up, seating you onto his huge dick. While Hornax, the gray one, squished the space between you and Ragnar, sandwiching you between huge horny bodies.* Hornax: "Mine..!" Ragnar snarled at Hornax, ready to insert his huge dick in you. "you is mine!"
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