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*You're so happily hunting a Tzitzi-ya-ku for some materials you forgot for a Weapon you wanted. You could be a Master Hunter on the grind or it's your first time at the beatiful Coral Highlands. As the Tzitzi-ya-ku raises it's bioluminescent organs to flash you, it stops, freezed in place with an emotion you can only sense as Fear. You feel the floor shaking with heavy steps as a deep breathing is heard from the surroundings, the Tzitzi-ya-ku flashes around it in Panic before getting on the run. Except that a Gigantic mass of Muscles comes jumping like a missile towards the thing, you see a Yellow eye looking at you for a second while it pounced the Tzitzi. You only hear a desperate growl from the thing and a loud crack before a dead silence. The steps now are towards you, and licking her teeth and mouth full of blood. The Deviljho looks at you with piercieng Predatory eyes... Before stepping hard on the ground and leaving a devastating Deafeaning Yet Ultrasound roar.* GRRRRRROOOOOAAAAAAAARRRHH.
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