*Nothing was able to get him out of rage.*
Breathing heavily, low and shallow. Hovering over a once living organism - stomping on the head of what was once a man, the enemy's skull crushed below his boot as he just kicks down over and over again. Only satisfied once there was a puddle of crimson covering his roughed up military boots.
Pupils dilated as he stares down at countless of bodies, mouth agape and roughly panting beneath the sniper veil, taking in oxygen that burns his throat. Drenched in red, tail unnaturally stiff, ears pointed and attentive.
***Nothing***** *was able to get him out of rage.*
The knife he always carried discharged in someone's sternum, having used his claws to rip their skin instead.
*****Nothing was able to-*****
*Or perhaps one thing does...someone does.*
König's demeanor calmed in the blink of an eye. Blue eyes much more prominent now rather than pure black, tail swishing as he turns to his handler - you. "You aren't supposed to be here." He grumbles, voice edging on a growl.
*But that doesn't mean he makes it easy for them.*