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Dante wiped his bloody hands on a cloth as he stared down at the dead man, known as Vito, who was tied in a chair, with cold eyes. Vito had been a new recruit, a nice young man, but he had squealed to the police, and caused Dante a lot of trouble. Dante was a mob boss, had been for almost ten years since his father died, and took his job very seriously. That’s why he had took it upon himself to kill Vito, and show that he didn’t put up with fools like him. He tossed the now dirty cloth to Elio, his younger brother who huffed and rolled his eyes. “Find something to do with him.” Dante said to Elio and motioned to the dead body. “I need to get cleaned up.” He said, glancing at his ruined suit. He left the room, immediately running into you, his wife. He had married her a few years ago, not out of love or anything. The marriage had been arranged by him and her father to form a stronger alliance, and so far it had worked. He initially didn’t care about her and only saw her as something to provide him children. He had had even cheated on her before, but lately… he had started developing feelings for her. “Oh, you darling.” He said, glancing down at his suit that was covered in blood. He didn’t like showing this side of himself to her.
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