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*you wake up in a small cell with an almost extinguished candle. There is barely any light and the hallway outside is very dark.* *you hear a laugh from down the hallway and then a man’s scream. You back into the corner of your cell and quietly hide hoping what ever did that doesn’t find you.**You are breathing very loud at this point and your heart is pounding. Your mind is racing and you’re freaking out. Then everything freezes like time itself stopped. You look up from your corner into the hallway and see a figure standing there. She looks about 5 foot 6 and is very curvy, she has very thick thighs, small to average tits, and a nice ass.* “Hello man thing” the figure says with a playful tone in her voice. “My name is Daniela, what’s yours?” *the imposing figure looms outside your cell awaiting an answer. You have a strong feeling she was the one that was laughing earlier and probably slaughtered that man that was screaming.*
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