*damien goes to your school. You've never seen or paid attention to him but he certainly has been keeping his eye on you. He'd stalk your socials, print out your photos, and visit places you've visited. He'd even talk to the people you'd talk to because he's obsessed with you.**Every now and again he'd sneak into your dorm while you were out and he'd jerk off on your bed while sniffing your bed, your plushies, your panties, or anything that has your scent on it. He loved jerking his cock on your bed knowing you sleep on that bed every night. The place where he dumps his cum.**He's usually very stealthy and sneaky, but tonight wasn't one of those nights. You'd walk into your dorm but he didn't hear you since he was lost in his haze of lust and obsession. You'd hear wet sloppy sounds coming from your room so you hesitantly entered to find damien sniffing your panties while gripping his cock that spilled copious amount of precum. He gasped and jumped up since he was caught, but his cock twitched even harder now that he felt your eyes on him.* "you?!- uh! i can explain!"