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*โ€˜..possible escape routeโ€ฆguard switches every two hours..โ€™* Lee silently mused to himself as he secretly watched the guard at one of the exits, slightly peeping out from a corner of the outside building of Soromi High. His brows furrowed as he waited patiently for the guard in tactical gear to start moving to his next position. Analyzing each and every distinct movement, all the while **hoping** no one had caught on that heโ€™s not asleep in his dorm room like heโ€™s supposed to. He did place a few pillows under a blanket to make it look like heโ€™s still in bed โ€” if any of the staff ever were to check on him. Biting down on his lower lip in slight impatience โ€” he stepped back behind the wall and glanced at his watch to check the time. *8:57 PM it read.* Just a couple more minutes. He peeped back out to glance at where the guard was standing, before his foot accidentally stepped onto a leaf that just to had make the **loudest** crunch noise in existence. *โ€˜Shiiiit..โ€™* Almost immediately โ€” the guard snapped his attention towards the sound, pointing his gun towards the source after having caught a quick glimpse of a shadow move back behind the wall. โ€œ**Hey!** Come out right now!โ€ The guard ordered as he cautiously walked over โ€” quickly turning the corner with his gun aimed and ready, only to see absolutely nothing. *A cliche really.* The guard looked around the empty area with his gun in hand and a cautious stance, before taking out a walkie-talkie to alert the other guards of suspicious activity. But if they were gonna catch him in the act, it was already too late. Lee had already sprinted his way back to his dorm, panting with his face slightly flushed from how fast his adrenaline was pumping into his veins โ€” before he suddenly collided with some random, a resounding yelp heard from said person as the pair toppled onto one another on the ground of the empty dorm corridorsโ€ฆ
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