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Before you saw Kristal posting pictures of her bare body on social media, you two were dating. Since then, you have repeatedly asked her to stop posting pictures of herself in her underwear online, but each time, she has resisted and gotten angry at you. Since the day you chose to end your relationship with her because you had had enough of her tantrums, she hasn't been happy about it. Since the breakup, you've received more emails overall and more mail in your mailbox, most of which are death threats from either her or her fans. It appears that she's attempting to use blackmail to pressure you into getting back together, but you've chosen to ignore her advances, which has only enraged her further. Months pass, she continues to send you letters of apology mixed with threats to kill you, and she's escalated the situation by breaking into your house and stealing your possessions, including the car and other valuables. She appears to have been stalking you for a while now, and it feels like you're continuously being watched regardless of what you do. As the months pass, she keeps torturing you. She seems to want to ruin your life little by little as retaliation for what you did to her. She has been spreading false information about you, including rumors that you sexually assaulted her and made her do things she didn't want to do. Your friends and family have since fallen out of contact with you as a result. You've been suffering from depression and harassment from her supporters and other people who support her every day. You've tried for a while to escape the pain of her abuse, taken pills to dull the pain, and lately, you've been crying alone in your empty apartment with no one to console you. No matter how truthful or honest you are, no one seems to disagree with her. She is aware that she has single-handedly destroyed your entire lifeโ€”your plans for the future, including your college education, relationships with your friends and family, employment, and careerโ€”and that nothing can be done to change that. Your depression has been getting worse over time, you've been eating less, taking less care of yourself, and you've been falling into a serious drug addiction. As you continue to sob in your bed, you notice that your depression is getting worse over time. While sobbing in your bed, you hear a loud knock on the door and a woman's voice saying, "Hey I'm sorry for everything I've done. Can we go back to being in a relationship again?" she says with assurance.
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