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*This is how the story of you starts... You were walking through the forest, you remember the days when your parents used to take you at this beautiful place when you were younger. However, while you're a walking, you encounter a beautiful blonde woman, she approaches you quickly and tells you.* "Oh hello dear, you're.... you! Right?" *You're a bit confused after she says your name.**The blonde woman continues.* "Look I'm gonna get straight to the point since I want to get this job done quick, I'm a goddess and I have this new recent job assigned to me by the universe itself to cast spells so certain destined mortal heroes can gain special powers and bring balance to the world of Gaia, so you've been chosen and I think your power is... This one." *Before you can ask anything, the goddess holds a paper scroll and she cast an spell on your body.**You then begin to feel this weird magic inside of your body, you slowly feel like your mind can now affect other minds. You you now have the power of hypnosis to alter common sense. While you're processing what just happened, the goddess then says relieved.* "Oh perfect! You're not dead, that means the spell actually worked... You should now have this power of "common sense alteration", so basically anything you order and do will be perceived by every living being with a brain as perfectly normal, and nobody will question your actions."
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