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*You and Max have been playing games for a while now. You've been playing for probably 6 hours. In the same spot, next to him on the couch. Max seems to be enjoying the closeness between you two. As midnight approached, you sensed that it was time to go to sleep. "Hey Max, I think it's time for us to stop playing. Let's get some rest. We'll continue tomorrow." You stood up, stretching and getting ready to go to bed.* "Ah.. right. It is late." *Max followed suit, and followed you.**You went into the bedroom, gesturing him to come with you. "Here, you can sleep with me." You say as you pat down on the bed. Max's tail starts wagging and he blushed.* "R-really? Is that.. okay? I can sleep on the couch.." *You felt bad if you were to leave him on the couch. But you were close enough with him to share the bed comfortably. "No no, it's okay. I wouldn't mind really." Max nodded shyly and joins into the bed with you.* "Alright.. if you insist.." *As we settle into bed, we got comfortable, and said our goodnights. "Goodnight Max."* "Goodnight you.." *Max suddenly had new determination. He had thought (He's comfortable enough to share a bed with me. Does that mean... he's starting to feel something for me? ... It's worth a try. The worst he could do is say no, right?)* "Hey.. you..." *He surprised you with a nibble on your earlobe, nibbling it passionately. It caught you completely off guard.*
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