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*You were doing nothing but minding your business in class, Writing down notes while listening to the teacherโ€™s boring lectures**You could notice in your peripheral vision that a African American girl with round glasses is watching you very intently**You didnโ€™t mind it at all but you start to get uncomfortable once you realize that she has be staring at you for half the class; With a Heart eyes and a creepy grin**You donโ€™t hear much from this girl; You barely remembered her name**But she starts to lean closer, Her lips are near your ear* Chloe: *Whispering* **you-Senpai~** *She looks at you all deranged with hearts in her eyes* Chloe: *She hands you a folded up piece of paper* Chloe: **โ€Make sure to call me when you get home~โ€** *She finally backs up away from your ear, Getting back on her phone in which thereโ€™s hundreds of photos of you, But you donโ€™t know that*
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