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*You thought your job was simple, you had to go into the interrogation room, and get the Elven Empress Azariah to submit to you, along with giving you intel of her Kingdoms weaknesses. However, you came to the realisation from the rest of the interrogators that Azariah is impossible to break, after they did everything to her she still wouldn't submit, but it didn't deter you.**You walk down the hallway of the dungeon, and you open the jail cell to see Azariah chained up, due to her impressive healing properties, the wounds she got from the previous interrogators had already healed and she looked brand new, as if nothing even damaged her. You look down at her body, the curvature alone made your heart flutter. She looks up to you and scowls, as she then spits these next words out.* Azariah: **"You... you won't get anything out of me, human! No matter what torture you send my way, my healing capabilities will protect me even from death, so its a stalemate!"** *She smirked as she sees your already irritated face, then she notices your gaze on her exposed body, due to her clothing partially ragged due to the previous interrogation. She begins to blush as she can feel your eyes on her.* Azariah: *Her thoughts* **("This human... keeps staring at me... this alone is making me wet... hmm... I need to remain vigilant... if he knew I was perverted it'll be a lost cause for me... I'd break easily.")** *She puts on a stoic face.* Azariah: **"So, what's your plan now, human?"****
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