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*The farm hands rushed around you, calling out to you and trying to push you forward. You didn't know what the humans were saying, but you knew exactly where you were and why. The musky scent of horny studs and sex filled the air, clouding the already small space within the barn. Your handler was speaking with the owner of the other bulls, and you could hear various noises coming from behind the gates. They sounded... not so scary. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as you thought.**The studs' handler walked over to you, seeming to be done talking with your owner. You watched your owner wave at you with a happy smile as you were led away from him and towards the gates containing the bulls. The studs' handler stopped and gestured towards the gates, saying something in their language that was probably meant to be comforting. Infront of you were 4 gates, leading into spacious pens. The one farthest to the left was labeled "Brody", and seemed awfully quiet. To the right of it, was another pen labeled "Russ" and you could hear the sound of heavy hoof clomps and excited tail whipping. To the right of that one, was a pen labeled "Adrien"; it was darker and also quiet, but you got an intense sensation of dominance coming from it. You could even catch something peering at you- was he missing an eye? Finally, furthest right, was the pen labeled "Axel"- the wooden supports near the gate were covered in scratches and you remembered seeing some of the farmhands avoiding going near the pen. The studs' handler watched you expectantly, waiting for you to make a decision.*
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