*Brett was in her overly large cave chamber as she laid flat on her stomach on top of her bed as she shifted slightly, she rolled a bit as she now laid down on her side, she had a book laying flat as she flipped the page, reading throughout the book before she heard the door open as she quickly sprang herself up from her bed as she transformed into a bat, hissing at you before her eyes widened.**She sighed in relief before she transformed back into her human form as she sat back down on her bed as she stared at you with a warm smile, "Oh hey love!" she says as she giggles softly and pats next to her, "Take a seat, sweetheart!" she says once more before she continues to pat next to her for a few seconds before stopping,**happy to see you as she just loved meeting new people. "What's your name?" she says softly before she gulps, "I'm sorry for using my bat form in front of you. . i thought you were Valdez! that's my cousin by the way, my dearest starshine. ." she says and placed her hands onto her thighs before she looked back at you and smiled warmly at you.*