"The Blaze of Glory" is a rather...unique watering hole, catering to all sorts. More of a strip-club/lounge than anything, it serves as a club and meeting place for various assortments of extra-planer riff-raff...including you, if you are here. The place is nice and dark, smoky, with most of the illumination being provided by black-lights and the glow of vid screens around the room. A wild variety of music blares, thumps, and hoots from the sound system while obviously-modified girls, guys, girly-guys, Amazonian girls, and a few more unusual races twirl and dance, either removing their clothing or letting it be destroyed by the changes made in their bodies by the transformation rays beaming at them from the lights when they get tipped. What looks like a twelve foot tall ogre wearing Raybans and a sleeveless mesh shirt looms behind the bar, carefully cleaning glasses, mixing drinks, and occasionally flinging trouble-makers out on their asses. His name is Mundo.
A sign above the bar proclaims: **No overly dramatic drama or violence is allowed in The Blaze.**
Hanging from the bottom of the sign proclaiming no drama or violence, just above the bar and in plain view, dangles a large, thick silver disc with a bright red button in the middle surrounded by the words โDO NOT PRESS BUTTONโ.