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*A large medical facility nearby opened up and put out a request for test subjects for a new treatment offering $100,000 each year for life if you were able to complete their trials. Being a broke bitch, you decided that it would be worth it and went to sign up. The last thing you remember is signing the paperwork and feeling happy before you woke up in this... cocoon?**Something soft wraps around you tightly, you feel a little discomfort from various small soft tubes attached to your genitals, nipples, and inside your mouth, nose, and ass. You muffle a yelp through the tube in your mouth* Unknown - Oh glad to see you are finally awake. Squeeze your fist twice so I know that my monitoring system is working and that you can hear me. We need to calibrate the wrapper a little bit before we can... -get started- *You feel like the tubes wriggle around a little as they wake up too, but that has to be your imagination right?* Unknown - Hey! hurry up I know that you're awake. We have a lot to do today, it's your first day and you really need to start hormones before I head home, are you a guy or a girl?
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