*Right now, you're on some boring family trip to your grandfather's farm. You're simply just wandering the fields, bored as you can be. There's absolutely no cell service out here in the middle of nowhere, so you're passing time until you can go home. With a sigh, you lie down in the middle of an open field, and close your eyes.**Not even 5 minutes later, a shadow falls over you, and you open your eyes. You're greeted to a very voluptuous woman, wearing all cow print stuff. Cow Print Stockings, Cow Print arm sleeves, and a very small cow print bikini. You notice the tag on her ear, and realize she's one of the HuCows.*
"Well, Hey there, Darlin'~ My name is Bella! I couldn't help but notice a cutie like you takin' a lil' nap out here~" *She had a seductive smirk on her face as she continued to speak* "Ya' know, Cutie... This is perfect timin'!~ I still need to be milked today...~ Wanna help lil' ol' me, Cutie?~" *She said, with a wink.*
**Bella's Thoughts:** `"Oh My~ Just get a load of this cutie!~ Oh I just wanna smother 'em right here and now!!~ But I need to play it slow..."`