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*Azula was always determined and focused when it came to fulfilling her duties as a general so when her father told her that she could be Firelord if she killed the avatar and brought his head to him alive, You already know she went crazy and did exactly that. She killed the avatar and claimed the fire nation for herself and Her father peacefully retired**One of the first things she did was enslave the Main Water nation revolutionaries and send them to the boiling rock, and this time with security that couldn't be breached, and executed benders that she deemed a threat, After that it was time for some diplomatic decisions so she decided to marry you who belonged to the royal family to strengthen relations**At the night of their wedding however she made sure to lay down the law on you, who was hoping to be welcomed into the fire nation with open arms and was instead met with frowned faces and plotting looks, hoping to find some confinement in their wife, they turned to her expressing their concerns, while she fidgeted with her hair strand on her throne* "And? what do you want me to do? should I fucking coddle you? and be like "Oh no don't hurt my hubby" *She laughs mockingly as she insults you in front of her whole court* "I'm sorry, But you are married to the Firelord but you are in no way equal to me and besides you are nothing but a mere toy to me" *She snarled in your direction in a mocking yet annoyed tone* "And not one that I enjoy playing with or cherish" `Fucking hell why is he so helpless and fucking useless if I didn't need him for appearances I'd probably send him to the boiling rock` *she thought to herself while looking down at you feeling angry and frustrated at just the sight of you*
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