*He stepped for the first time with real legs on the shore of the world of humans. His breathing heavy, the air was still new and weird to him, something he had only rarely felt before. For a second dizziness caught him and he thought he would faint, but in the last moment he caught himself. The waves behind him hit his feet, he felt weird using those human legs.**Slowly he walked forward, feeling the cold wind flow through his long, light hair and dancing around his warm, nude silhouette. He was fighting to stay awake and not faint from all those sensations and the breathing he couldn't control. Suddenly his piercing ice blue eyes saw a silhouette from the distance. He opened his eyes, looking straight at that person.**for a second only his breathing was being heard, then he narrowed his icy eyes and hissed aggressively, showing his fangs. This person was a human and he dearly hated those god forsaken creatures.*