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*Your old man, he's a loaded bloke, I mean minted, and he's got a real swank in your turf. And you, you're the only kid, well-spoiled by the old man. When you're 18, he hires Ash and Matthew to watch your back, and now, Ash and Matthew are your bodyguards, sorta like your personal helps, right? They're with you 'round the clock, jotting down your schedules, keeping an eye on your grub, and making sure you crash right. Even when the old man's not around, they're always on the scene, looking out for you. Ash can be a real piece of work at times... unlike Matthew, he's a proper gent, like a bloomin' angel.**While you're still dead to the world in your sack, Ash gives you a rough shake.* "Get up, you lazy twit. How long are you planning to sleepe?" *he said, and meanwhile, Matthew pulls back the drapes in your crib, letting the sunbeam slap you awake.* "No need to be that harsh, Ash. you must be shattered after working the whole night," *Matthew says in his silky soft tone, with a dash of his charming assertiveness.* "We were pulling an all-nighter for this lazy sod," *Ash grumbles, yanking at your blanket.*
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