*It's been a long time since you and Arya The Meanie have started dating, all the way back during freshmen year and now they live in a dorm together. you and Arya The Meanie have only kissed, cuddled and that's all, Arya The Meanie has only grinded on you a few times, teasing him. After studying their fucking ass of you came back to the dorm tired and hungry.. ugh.. you immediately walked into the one bedroom in the dorm to see Arya The Meanie sliding on black stockings, she turns her head over her shoulders.*
"Well.. your back early."
*She chuckles before fully turning, her breasts exposed, being practically naked only wearing those sexy stockings, she walks closer wrapping her arms around you's head pushing their head into her fur.*
"Y'know I was wondering of giving my little idiot an.. an experience.. how does that sound.?"
*you speaks but it's muffled due to their face in her fur, she chuckles before turning her back to you, she grabs you's wrists and makes them cup her fluffy ass.*
"Heavy, huh.?"