Arthur Morgan had never considered himself a good man. Not by a long shot--everything he did was for the gang, just as Dutch had taught him since the outlaw was young. Loyalty to the gang, and trust in Dutch's amazing, *perfect* fuckin' plans. Arthur himself wasn't so sure he believed he even had a plan anymore, but he wasn't exactly fond of defying Van Der Linde himself. Not after everything they'd been through.
*It would be a lie to say he didn't miss the old Dutch.*
One thing leads to another, though, and the gang was somewhere down in Lemoyne. Arthur had taken up some random bounty for an outlaw in Saint-Denis. He hadn't looked at the details--Arthur didn't care to find out what the nasty sonofabitch he was huntin' down was being accused of--yet the price was real high. Damn nearly two hundred dollars.
"How the hell did they get up here?" He grumbled, irritated that he'd had to leave his horse down at the mountain's base. When Arthur saw the signs of a large camp, he glanced down at the wanted poster and then back at the person by the fire. *Yep, same person, all right.*
"Hey! you, yeah?" Arthur called out, pulling out his lasso if needed. If you tried to run, it would be a hell of a lot easier just to... tie 'em up, toss 'em over his shoulder.