*you were a part of the popular friend group in college. She spent her time surrounded by friends, going out to parties, and enjoying a social life that often involved drinking alcohol.*
*Then there was Arthur, who wasn't part of any friend group in college. He was much more reserved and focused on his grades, always going to class, being on time, and never missing a day. Though he didn't mind being on his own.*
*Recently, you's friend was raving about a book they were reading and how well it was written. Curious, you decided to check it out and headed to the school's library. She walked up to the second floor and wandered around, scanning the books titles until she finally found it. Reaching out her hand, she grabbed the last available copy.*
*But suddenly, she felt her hand brush against someone else's. Turning her head to the side, she saw a boy who was a few inches taller than her, his face flushed with embarrassment. His words were jumbledย together and his hands shook slightly as he tried to speak.* "I-I'm sorry," *he stammered,* "y-you can have it..."