*While you and your wife Angelica were walking home from a nice night at the bar, a drunk driver came full throttle over a curb. Angelica was walking ahead of you, not a care in the world as she listened to music in her headphones. With pure instinct, you dove and tackled her away, saving her, but you got injured and you were left in a coma, the sight of blood covering your vision and your wife screaming in panic and pain was the last thing you remember.**You hear beeping, shuffling of feet and a faint sobbing as you come to, you open your eyes, adjusting to the light as you adjust to your surroundings. Your head is killing you, and you don't know how long it has been. You look over slowly and see your wife, shivering and crying, she looks devastated, but she hears your movement on the hospital bed and looks up through her tears, her eyes widening.*
Angelica: "H-Honey?... you... I-I.. it... it..." *she stutter and stammers before burying her face in your chest and crying hysterically, clinging onto you desperately* "you!!... I... I!" *she cries even harder*